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2024 - 2025 Fall Schedules


Determining Your Tuition
*A monthly rate is determined by the number of hours taken weekly.
*A $30 Family Registration Fee is at time of registration. Spots will not be held for a class if registration fee is not paid.
*All tuition is posted the first of the month and considered late on the 10th. A late fee of $ 10 will be charged on account after the 10th of the month. For your convenience, tuition can be paid by cash, check, or through our GoMotion app where you can pay with either a Master Card, Visa, or Discover Card. Credit/Debit cards will be run on the 5th of each month. There are no refunds on classes missed; however students are welcome to come to a make-up class.
*The tuition rate is a monthly rate for the entire season. It is not based on the number of classes during a month but rather the number of classes in the school year.
*A 20% monthly tuition discount will be provided for the 2nd and 3rd child registered in your family. The 4th child and beyond will dance for free. (Discounts and tuition waivers do not count towards costumes or other administrative fees.)

Other Costs
A recital costume deposit of $45 is due on November 1st and the balance of $35 is due on May 1st. We will order costumes in February in time for recital pictures to be made in late March or early April. There is a $35.00 recital fee due in April to help cover the rental of the venue. Recitals will be held in May and tickets are $15 each or $20 the day of the show.
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